
Ioulitta Karamavrou Larnaca Biennale

The theme of Larnaca Biennale 2023

“What is it that constitutes a home, beyond just bricks and mortar? Over the years and around the world, we ‘ve grappled back and forth with the many meanings of this word. For this biennale, I ‘ve set myself the task of unpacking notions of home and belonging – ideas that have shaped our lives and identities since birth. It will be filled with stories, some particular, some entirely universal, which all give rise to our sense of self. I ‘m thrilled to extend the invitation to artists, creators and makers of all varieties to join the conversation; submitting new propositions or revisiting existing work that considers this important theme.”
Yev Kravt , Curator Larnaca Biennale 2023




Based on notions such as familiarity, intimacy, shelter and home I have started to process a series of artworks included the artwork “Overwhelmed”.  The notion of a familiar shelter, as an abstract idea of home, plays a significant role in this series of artworks. This kind of home includes the deepest and innermost memories and feelings in which the subject finds a refuge, because world is becoming more and more complicated and incomprehensible. The only and the most suitable place in which the subject can reinvent himself/ herself and acquire self-awareness is the familiar places, memories or special objects that can trigger familiar innermost feelings. This place is for sure a home that we need.


Ioulitta Karamavrou

Dimensions (cm): 50x70
Materials: Ink and acrylics on paper.




 The selected works will be exhibited at ‘’The Municipal Gallery’’ , ‘’The Pierides Museum’’ and the ‘’Multiplace of Arts and Culture’’. These are Larnacas most prestigious exhibition places.

Opening day: 11/10/2023

Duration: 11/10-24/11



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