
Melina Mosland at "Environmental Awareness - Chapter 2: Dreams of Wild Rebellion"

The exhibition Dreams of Wild Rebellion sets up an itinerary through the interconnected halls of the Palazzo Dionisi that welcomes visitors to a series of successive micro-worlds resulting from the imagination of each guest artist and the perception conflicts that pierce them in relation to the contemporary natural world
Start Date : 30 September 2021
End Date : 27 February 2022
Museo Provincial de Fotografía Palacio Dionisi, Agencia Córdoba Cultura, Gobierno de la Provincia de Córdoba

Address : Av. Hipólito Yrigoyen 622

City : Córdoba Argentina

Exhibitions Details

The exhibition consists of three consecutive itineraries: a photographic approach to the writings of the natural landscape, an incursion into the wonders of hybrid universes and an invitation to the illusionistic reproduction of rhizomatic materialities with vegetal expectations. The common denominator is the wilderness: an untamed, rebellious nature, at times mischievous and playful, and invariably disconcerting. Within this context, some artists pursue a fusion, a "metaphysical mix", a hybrid (Juan Pablo Ferlat, Lucila Gradín, Juan Gugger, Melina Moslad), others attempt to capture its elements (Pablo Corral Vega, Eduardo Gil) or to emulate them (Érica Bohm / Hui Ye, Valeria Sestua, Lorena Ventimiglia), while some ponder about how the natural world will survive in the dystopian darkness of future times (Pablo La Padula, Romina Orazi and Javier Plano). Humanity projects its own dreams through its gaze: its perception is reflected in the landscape it beholds and the material it touches becomes hybridisation and artifice where only vegetation appears to represent a utopia of rebellion.  


All Artists

Lucila Gradin (ARG)

Pablo La Padula (ARG)

Erica Bohm (ARG)

Eduardo Gil (ARG)

Pablo Corral Vega (ECU)

Melina Fakitsa Mosland (GRE)

Juan Gugger (ARG)

Javier Plano y Romina Orazi (ARG)

Valeria Sestúa (ARG)

Lorena Ventimiglia (ARG)

Hui Ye (CHN)

Juan Pablo Ferlat (ARG)


Benedetta Casini (ITA)

Pablo La Padula (ARG)

Curatorial axes

Ecological Awareness

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