
Sisqo Ndombe

Διαστάσεις(cm): 118 x 94

Υλικά: Ακρυλικά σε καμβά

Χρονολογία: 2023

Dimensions (cm): 118 x 94

Material: Acrylic on canvas

Year: 2023

Includes certificate of authenticity.

Signed by the artist.

Ο SISQO NDOMBE AKISIEFUL, γνωστός ως “Lenoir”, είναι ένας Κονγκολέζος ζωγράφος που γεννήθηκε το 1985 στο Kikwit, την κύρια πόλη της επαρχίας Kwilu στη Λαϊκή Δημοκρατία του Κονγκό. Μεγάλωσε σε ένα δημιουργικό περιβάλλον και είχε πάθος με τη ζωγραφική από παιδί. Μετά τις σπουδές του στην πρωτοβάθμια και δευτεροβάθμια εκπαίδευση, η προτίμησή του για το σχέδιο τον οδήγησε να ενταχθεί στην Ακαδημία Καλών Τεχνών της Κινσάσα για να εκπαιδευτεί στην τεχνογνωσία των τεχνών προκειμένου να τελειοποιήσει το βλέμμα και την πρακτική του, όπου, μετά από αρκετά χρόνια μάθησης, ο Ndombe απέκτησε το δίπλωμα αποφοίτησης στις πλαστικές τέχνες. αγγίζοντας διάφορους τομείς της δημιουργίας, ο Sisqo Ndombe αποφάσισε στη συνέχεια να αφιερωθεί πλήρως στο πάθος του: τη ζωγραφική. EDUCATION 2008 : Graduation from Academy of Fines Arts of Kinshasa – DRCongo. 2004 : Baccalaurιat, Industrial Technical Institute of Nd’jili, Kinshasa, DRCongo. SOLO EXHIBITION 2023 Silent Storyteller, FilAfriques Gallery, Movenpick Hotel, Geneva – Switzerland SELECTED GROUP EXHIBITION 2023 : – Mavambo “Beginning”, Izwi Art, Nottingham – UK. – Africa Day Celebrations 2023, FilAfriques x Global Health Campus in Geneva – Switzerland. – Future Fair 2023, TAAG Gallery, New-York – USA. 2022 : – Against all odds, Constitution Hill Museum x Imba Ya Sarai Gallery, Johannesburg – South Africa. – ArtExpo Dallas, TAAG Gallery, Texas – USA. – The beginning of Legacy, ArtGenesis x Mashonda Tifrere, Los Angeles – USA. – Deep Blue, Leoni Art Project, Sommatino – Italy. – Body Rhythms, TAAG Gallery, New-York – USA. – InvestFest 2022, TAAG Gallery, Atlanta – USA. – Power of act, Gou-Hui Art Gallery, New-York – USA. – Night in the Museum, Kreol West Indies, Saint francois – Guadeloupe. – What They Didn’t Teach Us in Art School, TAAG Gallery, New-York – USA. 2018 : – Lumiere noire, Bandombe Gallery, Kinshasa, DRCongo 2023 : – Silent Storyteller, FilAfriques Gallery, Movenpick Hotel, Geneva – Switzerland. AWARDS 2021 : Orange Prize for Social Entrepreneurship in Africa and the Middle East(POESAM). 2018 : BRAVO X Prize.

SISQO NDOMBE AKISIEFUL known as «Lenoir» is a Congolese painter born in 1985 in Kikwit, the main city of the Kwilu province in the Democratic Republic of Congo.Having grown up in a creative environment and passionate about drawing since he was a child. After his primary and secondary studies, his taste for drawing led him to integrate the Academy of Fine Arts of Kinshasa to train in the know-how of arts in order to perfect his look and his practice where, after several years of learning, Ndombe obtained his diploma of graduation in Plastic Arts.Touching several fields of creation, Sisqo Ndombe then decided to devote himself full time to his passion: painting.


2008 : Graduation from Academy of Fines Arts of Kinshasa – DRCongo.

2004 : Baccalaurιat, Industrial Technical Institute of Nd’jili, Kinshasa, DRCongo.


2023 Silent Storyteller, FilAfriques Gallery, Movenpick Hotel, Geneva – Switzerland


2023 :

– Mavambo “Beginning”, Izwi Art, Nottingham – UK.

– Africa Day Celebrations 2023, FilAfriques x Global Health Campus in Geneva – Switzerland.

– Future Fair 2023, TAAG Gallery, New-York – USA.

2022 :

– Against all odds, Constitution Hill Museum x Imba Ya Sarai Gallery,

Johannesburg – South Africa.

– ArtExpo Dallas, TAAG Gallery, Texas – USA.

– The beginning of Legacy, ArtGenesis x Mashonda Tifrere, Los Angeles – USA.

– Deep Blue, Leoni Art Project, Sommatino – Italy.

– Body Rhythms, TAAG Gallery, New-York – USA.

– InvestFest 2022, TAAG Gallery, Atlanta – USA.

– Power of act, Gou-Hui Art Gallery, New-York – USA.

– Night in the Museum, Kreol West Indies, Saint francois – Guadeloupe.

– What They Didn’t Teach Us in Art School, TAAG Gallery, New-York – USA.

2018 :

– Lumiere noire, Bandombe Gallery, Kinshasa, DRCongo 2023 :

– Silent Storyteller, FilAfriques Gallery, Movenpick Hotel, Geneva – Switzerland.


2021 : Orange Prize for Social Entrepreneurship in Africa and the Middle East (POESAM).

2018 : BRAVO X Prize.


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